Further wisdom from the Northwest Mommy

“Heed my words,” she wrote me in a recent email. I shed ounds of water weight after Lentil was born, yippee! But once the water days are past, said the Northwest Mommy, it can be easy to fall into the breastfeeding trap. When she lived in my ‘hood, NM would walk to a couple of the local pastry shops for a treat. Too many treats, apparently, though with good reason to celebrate:

“I gave birth to a nearly 10 lb. baby”, “I woke up 9 times last night to nurse her”, “I changed 6 poopy diapers today”, and so on.  After about 6 months I decided that I couldn’t quite justify daily pastries nor could my waistline but by then the damage was done.  Heed my words!!!

I’m heeding, I’m heeding. My only fitting pants (fitting is a loose term) are pre-pregnancy though neither should be worn with the waist revealed. I’m a little blobby (understandable but true). Still, it is easy to eat something that is not good for you or that is not a productive snack out of nursing desperation. (Example: tater tots) My fallback is and always has been bread and cheese or crackers and cheese.

So, on Friday I will attend my first “Stroller Strides” class through The Tulip Grove. While I would like to get back to the gym, I’m not sure I’m ready to deal with day care (baby must be in clean diaper, I should probably have a bottle for her … but she won’t take bottles); baby comes with to Stroller Strides. I can roll ugly out of bed and out the door. Lentil, on the other hand, will be cute as pie.

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